You must write down which sex your character is Easily Seduced by when this
Fault is taken. Heterosexuality is not automatically assumed
here. You may even take this Fault twice, if your character is bisexual.
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Roger M. Wilcox.
7.1: All Faults give the character 6 EP unless otherwise specified.
7.2: List of Faults:
7.2.1: Code of Honor
Your code of conduct prevents you from sneaking up behind something and
shooting it in the back. You must at the very least make your opponent
aware of your intention to attack her before you do so, even if she is a
sleeping dragon.
7.2.2: Missing an Eye
You have no depth perception and lack peripheral vision on one side of your
head. You must specify which eye is missing when you take this Fault.
7.2.3: Missing a Hand
You cannot fight with two weapons, a weapon and a shield, or a two-handed
7.2.4: Low Pain Threshold
The opposite of the High Pain Threshold Gift. You are at -1 when
Scratched, -2 when Hurt, and -3 when Very Hurt. A character may not
take both the Low Pain Threshold Fault and the High Pain Threshold Gift.
7.2.5: Initially Poor
You start with less money than you would otherwise. The precise amount
you start with is detailed in Section 11: Money and
Equipment. The Initially Poor Fault may not be taken more than
twice. A character may not take both the Initially Poor Fault and the
Initially Wealthy Gift.
7.2.6: Hard of Hearing
You make all hearing Perception rolls at -3.
7.2.7: Night Blindness
Dim light or a moonless night is treated like total darkness. Torchlight
or other artificial illumination only works half as well for you. A
character may not take both the Night Blindness fault and the Low Light Vision
7.2.8: Susceptibility to Willpower Magic
Against any type of magic (not psionics or other powers) whose Difficulty Level
for success is based on your Willpower, you are at -3. A character may
not take both the Susceptibility to Willpower Magic Fault and the Resistance to
Willpower Magic Gift.
7.2.9: Easily Seduced
The mere presence of anyone of the appropriate sex with an Attractiveness of
Good or higher is treated as an advance on you. If someone of the
appropriate sex actually makes an advance on you, you are at -3 to resist it.
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