
(Jeff Boeing)

Character sheet for 5th Edition HERO System™ (Champions)

15/25 STR 10
18/26 DEX 40
18 CON 16
13 INT 3
11 EGO 2
13/25 PRE 11
16 COM 3
8 PD 5
8 ED 4
4/6 SPD 20
36 END
Total cost 114
Skills, Talents, and Powers
costSkill, Talent, or Powerroll
102d6 Luck
1 ½ END cost - extra 10 STR* (= 0 END)
37 10d6 H-H Attack, does Energy damage, 0 END cost*
8 Life Support: self-contained breathing, safe in vacuum*
54 27" Flight, 0 END cost*
7 total 8x non-combat movement multiple - Flight*
54 +28 PD, +26 ED Armor (SpFX = Force Field)*
5Radio Perception/Transmission#
4 Lightspeed travel, only works with a stargate#
*) OIF - armor generator box
#) OAF - combination communicator/log/stargate opener
183 Total cost of Skills, Talents, and Powers
The number after the slash for Strength, Dexterity, Presence, and Speed represents the increased value of that characteristic bestowed by his OIF - armor generator box.  Strength added by the armor generator does not add to figured characteristics.

Running: 6", 12" noncombat
Swimming: 2", 4" noncombat
OCV: 6/9
DCV: 6/9
ECV: 4
     Total Points: 114 + 183 = 297
Experience Points Spent: 97
Unspent Experience Points: 0

15Public Identity
20Code Against Killing
20Hunted by V.I.L.L.A.I.N.S. (11 or less)
10DNPC: Julia (Normal, 8 or less)
15 Hunted by interstellar empire (8 or less)
20Normal characteristic maxima
100Disadvantages Total


(Jeff Boeing)

Character sheet for 6th Edition HERO System™ (Champions, low-powered superheroic campaign)

15/25 STR 12
18/23 DEX 23
18 CON 8
13 INT 3
11 EGO 1
13/25 PRE 11
6/9 OCV 25
6/9 DCV 25
4 DMCV 5
4/6 SPD 23
8 PD 6
8 ED 6
7 REC 3
40 END 4
28 STUN 4
Total cost 159
Skills, Talents, and Powers
costSkill, Talent, or Powerroll
102d6 Luck
1 ½ END cost - extra 10 STR* (= 0 END)
43 10d6 H-H Attack, does Energy damage, 0 END cost*
8 Life Support: self-contained breathing, safe in vacuum*
55 55m Flight, 0 END cost*
7 total 8x non-combat movement multiple - Flight*
60 +30 PD, +30 ED Resistant Protection (SpFX = Force Field)*
5Radio Perception/Transmission#
4 Lightspeed travel, only works with a stargate#
Martial Arts:
5    Offensive Strike: +4d6, -2 OCV, +1 DCV
5    Defensive Strike: +1 OCV, +3 DCV
4    Martial Dodge: +5 DCV
12 4 Combat Skill Levels with Martial Arts
*) OIF - armor generator box
#) OAF - combination communicator/log/stargate opener
222 Total cost of Skills, Talents, and Powers
The number after the slash for Strength, Dexterity, Presence, Combat Value, and Speed represents the increased value of that characteristic bestowed by his OIF - armor generator box.

Running: 12m, 24m noncombat
Swimming: 4m, 8m noncombat
Leaping: 4m, 8m noncombat
     Total Points: 159 + 222 = 381
Experience Points Spent: 81
Unspent Experience Points: 16

300Matching Complications (max. 60 pts)
15Social Complication: Public Identity
20Psychological Complication: Code Against Killing
15Hunted by V.I.L.L.A.I.N.S. (Infrequent)
10Dependent NPC: Julia (Normal, Infrequent)
0Hunted by interstellar empire (Infrequent)
60Complications Total

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