
(Giovanni Petruccio)

Character sheet for 5th Edition HERO System™ (Champions)

23 STR 13
18 DEX 24
23 CON 26
12 BODY 4
10 INT
11 EGO 2
10 PRE
10 COM
8 PD 3
5 ED
4 SPD 12
10 REC
46 END
Total cost 84
Skills, Perks, and Powers
costSkill, Perk, or PowerEND
16+20 ED*
5Damage Resistance: 13 ED*
2 Fluent English (native language is Italian)
30Elemental Control - heat powers
36 2d6 HKA, Continuous, Damage Shield,7
     Requires a Half Phase action to activate
2412d6 heat EB#6
27 17" Flight (34" per Phase noncombat)#3
9+15 PRE, does not work in daylight#
*) Does not work vs. cold (-¼)
#) Linked with Damage Shield (-¼)
149 Total cost of Skills, Perks, and Powers
Running: 6", 12" noncombat
Swimming: 2", 4" noncombat
OCV: 6
DCV: 6
ECV: 4
     Total Points: 84 + 149 = 233
Experience Points Spent: 0

10Watched by Tal-Mecchiar (8-)
10Watched by V.I.L.L.A.I.N.S. (8-)
20Hunted by the Immigration Bureau
(8 or less)
20Hunted by the Anti-Mutant Squad
(8 or less)
5Bad Reputation in Italy
15 Does not like activating his
Damage Shield
15DNPC: kid in his pasta shop
(Incompetent, 8 or less)
20Code Against Killing
102d6 Unluck
8Mystery Disadvantage
133Disadvantages Total
  Giovanni Petruccio immigrated to Little Italy in New York from the real Italy in the Mediterranean.  His passive powers allow him to cook pasta in his pasta shop without using any pot holders.  Activating his more serious powers has the distinct drawback of burning off all his hair and clothes.

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