Iron Side

(Tony Asterisk)

Character sheet for 5th Edition HERO Systemâ„¢ (Champions)

10/45* STR 23
10/18* DEX 16
10 CON
10/13*# BODY 2
8 INT -2
14 EGO 8
10 PRE
10/6*# COM -1
2/9* PD
2 ED
2/3* SPD 1
4/11* REC
20 END
20/41*# STUN
Total cost 47
Skills, Perks, and Powers
costSkill, Perk, or PowerEND
2420 PD, 20 ED Armor*#
5010d6 physical EB (repulsor), 0 END*
3Infrared Perception*
10+10 Telescopic Sight Sense Group*
6+9 Telescopic Normal Hearing*
1417" Flight*#3
4+5" Running*#1
-1-1" Swimming*
*) OIF - Armor covering left half of body
#) 11 or less Activation Roll
113 Total cost of Skills, Perks, and Powers
Running: 6"/11"*#, 12"/22"*# noncombat
Swimming: 2"/1"*, 4"/2"* noncombat
OCV: 3/6*
DCV: 3/6*
ECV: 5
     Total Points: 47 + 113 = 160
Experience Points Spent: 0

8Secret Identity#
20Normal Characteristic Maxima
30 Berserk at people who have half
Damage Reduction (14-, r 11-)
30Berserk at halflings (14-, r 11-)
88Disadvantages Total
  Unlike billionaire industrialist Tony Stark, young Tony Asterisk could only afford to build half a suit of powered armor.  The left half, specifically.  Interesting things can happen when he engages his boot jet (singular).

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