Infra Boy

(Cal Heat)

Character sheet for 5th Edition HERO System™ (Champions)

83/10 STR 58
23/11 DEX 32
23/10 CON 21
12/10 BODY 3
18 INT 8
14 EGO 8
20/10 PRE 8
14 COM 2
25/2 PD 6
25/2 ED 16
5/2 SPD 12
22/4 REC
46/20 END
66/20 STUN
Total cost 174
Skills, Talents, and Powers
costSkill, Talent, or PowerEND
10 Damage Resistance: 13 PD, 13 ED
75 25" Flight (50" per phase noncombat) 5
13 Carbonation Ray: 4d6 Cosmetic Transform
     target to carbonated version of itself,
     OIF - ring, 16 charges*
4 Infrared Perception
8 Heat Vision: 2d6 EB 1
1 Lebanese language (simple conversation)*
*) No powers other than his carbonation ray
and his Lebanese language skill will work
when he's exposed to Ferrous Oxide (-1/4)
76 Total cost of Skills, Talents, and Powers
The number after the slash for a characteristic represents the lowered value of that characteristic when he is exposed to Ferrous Oxide.  Note that carbonated ferrous oxide does not affect him, which is why he has that ring with the carbonation ray in it.

Running: 6", 12" noncombat
Swimming: 2", 4" noncombat
OCV: 8/4
DCV: 8/4
ECV: 5

Total Points: 174 + 76 = 250
Experience Points Spent: 0

15 Secret Identity: Cal Heat, mild-mannered
     Infinitessimalville High School student
202x STUN and BODY from cold
15DNPC: Jennifer Lang (N, 11 or less)
20Code Against Killing
15Hunted by Lecks Badguy (8 or less)
20Hunted by V.I.L.L.A.I.N.S. (8 or less)
15DNPC: Martha (Maw) Heat (I, 8 or less)
10DNPC: Jonathan (Paw) Heat (8 or less)
5Likes using his heat vision
150Disadvantages Total

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