The Icer

(Samuel Jacobs)

Character sheet for 5th Edition HERO System™ (Champions)

10 STR
14 DEX 12
18 CON 16
10 INT
17 EGO 14
10 PRE
10 COM
2 PD
4 ED
3 SPD 6
30 END -3
25 STUN 1
Total cost 46
Skills, Perks, and Powers
costSkill, Perk, or PowerEND
2610 PD, 12 ED Ice Armor (OIHID)
93 2½d6 RKA (deathly chill), Invisible, Based14
     on ECV, Does BODY, +1 Segment
119 Total cost of Skills, Perks, and Powers
Running: 6", 12" noncombat
Swimming: 2", 4" noncombat
OCV: 5
DCV: 5
ECV: 6
     Total Points: 46 + 119 = 165
Experience Points Spent: 0

15Public Identity
101½x STUN from heat
20Wanted (8 or less)
20Normal Characteristic Maxima
65Disadvantages Total
  The Icer posesses a weird mental discipline: the ability to remove the heat from objects.  He discovered how to use this power early in his life while in a fit of rage, and was later asked into service by Projector when his powers were at a more advanced stage.  As his nome de guerre implies, the Icer is not above using his powers to assassinate.

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