Disadvantages Man

Character sheet for 5th Edition HERO System™ (Champions)

10 STR
11 DEX 3
10 CON
10 INT
10 EGO
10 PRE
10 COM
2 PD
2 ED
2 SPD -1
20 END
Total cost 2
Skills, Talents, and Powers
costSkill, Talent, or PowerEND
And what do you do with all those extra
points you have left over?
50681d6 EB, ½ END20
18 +6 Combat Skill Levels with Energy Blast
2+1 OCV with Energy Blast
526 Total cost of Skills, Talents, and Powers
Running: 6", 12" noncombat
Swimming: 2", 4" noncombat
OCV: 4
DCV: 4
ECV: 3
     Total Points: 2 + 526 = 528
Experience Points Spent: 3

20Normal Characteristic Maxima
25 Berserk (Uncommon, 14 or less, recover 8 or less)
20 Berserk (Common, 11 or less, recover 11 or less)
10DNPC (normal, 8 or less)
15DNPC (competent, 14 or less)
20 Distinctive Features (not concealable, major)
5 Distinctive Features (easily concealable, minor)
102d6 Unluck
51d6 Unluck
15Secret Identity
15Secret Identity
15Public Identity
15Public Identity
202x STUN from Presence Attacks
51½x BODY from STUN-only Attacks
15 Accidental Change (Uncommon, 14 or less)
15 Accidental Change (Very common, 8 or less)
10Takes 2d6 from glowing meteorites
10Takes 2d6 from Regeneration
20 Psychological Limitation (Very common, irrational actions)
20 Psychological Limitation (Common, total commitment)
30 Hunted (more powerful, noncombat influence, 14 or less)
20 Hunted (as powerful, noncombat influence, 11 or less)
5 Physical Limitation (infrequent, slightly limiting)
10 Physical Limitation (infrequent, greatly impairing)
15 Dependence (Common, 1/day, 2d6 thereafter)
15 Dependence (Uncommon, 1/day, 3d6 thereafter)
10Reputation (11 or less)
15Reputation (extreme, 11 or less)
425Disadvantages Total

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