Bowling Ball

(the late Dr. Martin Roberts)

Character sheet for 5th Edition HERO System™ (Champions)

23 STR 13
23 DEX 39
18 CON 16
6 BODY -8
13 INT 3
11 EGO 2
9 PRE -1
10 COM
19 PD 14
18 ED 14
5 SPD 17
36 END
Total cost 109
Skills, Talents, and Powers
costSkill, Talent, or Powerroll
Always ½ meter tall:
20     +4 DCV
8      +4 to Stealth rolls
26+13" Running
15Damage Resistance: 16 PD, 15 ED
5+10 PRE, defensive only
Life Support:
10      Self-Contained Breathing
3      Safe in Vacuum & high pressure
6      Need not eat, excrete, or sleep
10      Immune to all diseases
106 Total cost of Skills, Talents, and Powers
Running: 19", 38" noncombat
Swimming: 0"
OCV: 8
DCV: 12
ECV: 4
     Total Points: 109 + 106 = 215
Experience Points Spent: 0

25No limbs
102x STUN from lasers
15Hunted by V.I.L.L.A.I.N.S. (8 or less)
15 DNPC: Rocky, the pizza parlor/
bowling alley manager and part-time
amateur investigator (N, 11 or less)
15 Always the size & weight of a bowling
ball (6¼ kg, +4" Knockback)
10Can't swim (he sinks)
20Code Against Killing
115Disadvantages Total
Drawing of Bowling Ball

A few decades ago, Dr. Martin Roberts figured out a way to transfer his mind into a bowling ball — just before he died.  Now, stuck in a self-propelling bowling ball for all eternity, the late Dr. Martin Roberts fights for truth, justice, and the American way alongside his faithful sidekick, Rubber Band.

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