NOTE on getting Jailbreak to download: As of November 2024, Windows Defender thinks there is a virus infecting the .zip file. There isn't. It's a false positive. But in case Windows Defender won't let you download it, I've also put up the un-zipped .exe file. The link is here: jailbreak.exe . Depending on your browser, you may need to right-click on this link and choose "download link" instead of just left-clicking on it, because the latter action may cause the file server to try to execute it remotely (which you'll never see). Also, Windows is highly suspicious of downloading .exe files directly, and you'll have to jump through a couple of O/S hoops before you're allowed to run it.
You can also try downloading the Debug build of Jailbreak, which was compiled with optimization turned off and which doesn't seem to bother Windows Defender as much.
NOTE: The links below are .cas files, which are binary images
of data stored on cassette (as used by TRS-32 and other TRS-80 emulators). If
these links don't work for you, I've bundled all the .cas files that appear on
this page in a single .zip file that you can download with this link:
Click here to go to Roger M. Wilcox's home page.
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Roger M. Wilcox.