Peter Perfect
Pure Revised 2nd Edition Version
Character class: Paladin
Level: 20th
Race: Human
Alignment: lawful good
Place of origin: Central Earth
Birth date: 28 years before the IUDC
Hair color: blond
Eye color: blue
Sex: M
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 176 lbs, not including equipment
Mannerisms: outspoken, overconfident
Rival: Ringman
Place of residence: small castle
City of residence: the middle of a vast dry lakebed
Motto: "Live and let live — unless you don't agree with them!"
Base movement base: 12
Movement base with boots of speed: 24
Movement base adjustments: x2.5 from permanent potion of speed at
150% effectiveness.
Movement base after adjustments: 60
Character Abilities
Strength: 18/00, 25 with girdle of titan strength
Intelligence: 18
Wisdom: 19
Dexterity: 18, 19 with gauntlets of dexterity
Constitution: 19
Charisma: 18
Saving Throws
- Base saves:
- Paralyzation, Poison, or Death Magic: 3
- Rod, Staff, or Wand: 5
- Perification or Polymorph: 4
- Breath Weapon: 4
- Spells: 6
- Spells that normally allow no saving throw: 20
- General adjustments:
- +3 (in a 5' radius) from ring of protection
- +4 from cloak of protection
- +1 from long sword +1, luck blade
- +1 from stone of good luck
- +5 from the Invulnerable Coat of Arnd
- +2 from being a paladin
- +3 from permanent potion of invulnerability at 150%
- +1 vs. spells from scarab of protection
- Saves after general adjustments:
- Paralyzation, Poison, or Death Magic: -17
- Rod, Staff, or Wand: -15
- Perification or Polymorph: -16
- Breath Weapon: -15
- Spells: -16
- Spells that normally allow no saving throw: 1
- Poison that normally allows no saving throw: 13
- Special Adjustments: +5 vs. Dexterity-based saves, +4 vs. will force, +6 if
armor applies, +5 vs. poison (+4 from periapt, +1 from 19 Constitution),
+8 vs. fire (helm of brilliance), +3 to anyone else within a 5' radius
(ring of protection), -2 vs. fire (ring of air elemental
command), -2 vs. petrification (ring of earth elemental command), -2
vs. water (ring of fire elemental command).
Paladin powers:
detect the presence of evil intent with a 60' range (takes 1 round)
hands-on heal 40 damage points once/day
cure disease 4x/week
dispel magic at 20th level in 5' radius with holy sword
turn undead at the highest level on the chart
cast [3 3 3 3] priest spells of the combat, divination, healing, or
protective spheres (casting level 9th)
Resistances and Immunities (source):
50% magic resistance in a 5' radius (holy sword)
disease (being a paladin)
-1 to all attack rolls by summoned or evil creatures in a 10' radius (being
a paladin)
cause fear, charm person, command, friends, and hypnotism
spells (19 Wisdom)
normal fires (Invulnerable Coat of Arnd or helm of
-4 per die of damage (minimum 1 point per die) from exceptionally hot fires
(helm of brilliance)
acid (Invulnerable Coat of Arnd)
cold (Invulnerable Coat of Arnd)
electrical attacks (Invulnerable Coat of Arnd)
Languages: common, nixie, kobold, dwarvish, gnome, halfling, druidic, orcish.
Psionics (Wild Talents):
- Psionic Strength Points: 3642
- Devotions:
- Clairsentience: ALL
- Psychokinesis: ALL
- Psychometabolism: ALL
- Psychoportation: ALL
- Telepathy: ALL
- Metapsionics: ALL
- Sciences:
- Clairsentience: ALL
- Psychokinesis: ALL
- Psychometabolism: ALL
- Psychoportation: ALL
- Telepathy: ALL
- Metapsionics: ALL
Non-weapon proficiency slots: 16 (including 7 granted by his Intelligence
Non-weapon proficiencies: set snares, animal lore, airborne riding (cost 2
slots), land-based riding,
Total wealth as coins/gems: 708,550 g.p.
Experience points: 3,818,183 (his +10% experience point bonus would raise
this to 4,200,001, but then he wouldn't be 20th level any more)
Permanent spells: comprehend langauges, detect disease, detect good,
detect invisibility, detect life, detect magic, infravision, past life,
protection from cantrips, protection from evil, protection from good,
protection from hunger and thirst, protection from normal missiles, protection
from paralysis, read magic, tongues, and unseen servant.
Permanent potions: all animal control#, all undead control#,
clairaudience#, clairvoyance#, evil dragon control#, fire resistance#, flying#,
all giant control#, elf half-elf & human control#, invulnerability#,
philter of persuasiveness#, plant control#, polymorph (self), speed#,
storm giant strength#, and water breathing.
(# = at 150% effectiveness)
Peter Perfect's combat capabilities
Pure Revised 2nd Edition version
Weapon proficiencies:
Total weapon proficiency slots: 10
Used weapon proficiency slots: 10
Non-proficiency penalty: -2
Weapons of proficiency:
longsword hand axe battle axe
mattock maul hammer
composite longbow spear jo stick
Weapon of expertise (c.f. Player's Option: Combat & Tactics):
Armor Class:
BASE: A.C. 1# (full plate armor)
dexterity defensive adjustment: +5 (only +4# without gauntlets of
armor's magical bonus: +6
cloak of protection: +4
permanent potion of invulnerability at 150% effectiveness: +3@
boots of speed: +2 (when fast movement is possible)
TOTAL: AC -19 conscious, A.C. -12 unconscious
versus good: +2
versus evil: +2
if using shield +5: +6
while parrying (level ÷ 2 + 1): +11#
NOTE: The Invulnerable Coat of Arnd* ensures that no attack
against Peter Perfect will succeed whose attack roll is less than a natural 20.
(# = armor class adjustment is not bestowed by magical means)
(@ = armor class adjustment is bestowed by a permanent potion)
(* = armor class adjustment is bestowed by an Artifact)
Base THAC0: 1
To-hit adjustments:
+3 with hammer of thunderbolts (from gauntlets of ogre power)
+4# at range from Dexterity
+7 in melee from Strength (only +3# without girdle of titan
(# = to-hit adjustment is not magical in nature)
(* = to-hit adjustment derives from an Artifact)
Total to-hit adjustments and resulting THAC0s:
Prometheus: +11 (THAC0 = -10)
hammer of thunderbolts: +15 (THAC0 = -14) [+18 (THAC0 = -17), if you
believe that "Sage Advice" article in Dragon magazine issue 217 page 83,
which says that ones natural Strength bonuses add to those of gauntlets of
ogre power and a girdle when wielding a magic warhammer]
Axe of the Dwarvish Lords: +10 (THAC0 = -9)
other proficient melee weapon: +7 +plus (THAC0 = -6 -plus)
composite long bow +5: +9 +arrow's plus (THAC0 = -8 -plus)
Damage adjustments:
x2 damage dice with hammer of thunderbolts
+14 with non-crossbows from girdle of titan strength (reduce to +6#
from natural Strength score without the girdle)
+6 with hammer of thunderbolts (from gauntlets of ogre power)
+18@ with hand-held or thrown weapons from permanent potion of storm
giant strength at 150% effectiveness
+1d8+6, 3 times per turn per hand, from rings of shocking grasp
(# = damage adjustment is not magical in nature)
(@ = damage adjustment derives from a permanent potion)
(* = damage adjustment derives from an Artifact)
Prometheus: +38, +48 vs. chaotic-evil targets
hammer of thunderbolts: +43 [reduced to +31 if you believe "Sage
Advice," Dragon, issue 217, page 83, which says that a potion of
giant strength doesn't add to the damage bonus of a magic warhammer when
wearing gauntlets and a girdle, but for some reason natural Strength does],
and double damage dice
Axe of the Dwarvish Lords: +35
other proficient melee weapon: +32 +plus
composite long bow +5: +19 +arrow's plus
Melee attacks per round:
Base attacks per melee round (before adjustments):
with long swords: 5/2 (1 in the off-hand)
with other melee weapons: 2 (1 in the off-hand)
x2.5 from permanent potion of speed at 150% effectiveness.
Total attacks per melee round after adjustments:
6¼ (25/4) in main hand with long swords.
5 in main hand with other melee weapons.
2½ (5/2) in off hand.
Hit point adjustment due to Constitution: +5 per hit die
Hit die type: d10
Hit points: 153
1 h.p. of cold damage/turn from ring of warmth
1/2 melee attack damage from vampiric ring of regeneration.
Dexterity adjustment for surprise: +4
Peter Perfect's Items
Pure Revised 2nd Edition version
Rings: x-ray vision, warmth, vampiric regeneration, shooting
stars, spell storing (cure serious wounds, divination, speak with plants,
neutralize poison, and lower water), multiple wishes (7
wishes), swimming, air elemental command, earth elemental command,
fire elemental command, water elemental command, raise dead fully (1/2),
protection +3 (5 foot radius), telekinesis (400 lbs. maximum),
spell turning, free action, shocking grasp, and shocking grasp.
PROMETHEUS: long sword +6, holy avenger. Intelligence
17, ego 27 (personality 44), speech and telepathy, read languages, read magic,
lawful-good alignment.
Languages Spoken:
plus 10 others
Primary Abilities:
Detect "elevator"/shifting rooms/walls in a 20' radius
Locate object in a 120' radius
Extraordinary Power:
telekinesis twice per day, 250 lbs. maximum, one round per use.
Other Magic Weapons: mattock of the titans; maul of the titans;
hammer of thunderbolts; composite long bow +5; 20 arrows +4; long sword, vorpal
weapon; spear +5; jo stick +5; long sword +2(+4), green dragon slayer; long
sword +1, luck blade (4 wishes).
The Axe of the Dwarvish Lords: short-handled +3 weapon
Functions as a sword of sharpness
Functions as a hammer +3, dwarven thrower
Grants dwarven detection abilities at double the normal chance
Grants dwarven vision abilities at double the normal range
Can summon one 16 HD earth elemental (1/week)
Has 3 random powers from Table 20: Elemental Earth
It has some curses, too, but you won't see Peter Perfect mentioning
'em. Besides, Peter Perfect's saving throw vs. artifact
transformation is -12.
The Cup and Talisman of Al'Akbar:
Good characters touching Cup receive bless for 24 hours
Cup can be filled with holy water 1/day; if entire Cup is
drunk within 12 hours, acts as cure critical wounds or neutralize
poison; if 1/3 of Cup is drunk within 12 hours, acts as cure
light wounds
Good characters touching Talisman receive remove curse
Talisman can cast cure disease or cure blindness 1/day
Once per week, both can create 5 potions of healing, 3 potions of
sweet water, 2 potions of extra healing, 1 elixir of health,
or 1 potion of vitality
resurrection upon good or neutral creatures (1/day)
Owner ages 1d10 years when powers are invoked. Unless Peter Perfect
can finagle the DM into letting him get a saving throw or magic resistance
check, of course.
The Invulnerable Coat of Arnd: Originally belonged to Omnion.
Wearer impervious to all attack rolls less than a natural 20
+5 to all saving throws
Protects against fire attacks as a ring of fire resistance
Immune to acid, cold, and electrical attacks
Cleric wearer can gain 3 levels for 4 days 1/month
70% chance wearer will be possessed by Arnd when near unfortunates; for
2d4+1 hours, wearer helps the poor as a 14th-level cleric, then retains no
memory of what happened. Of course, Peter Perfect might get away with
saying he gets a saving throw or magic resistance against this curse or
Other Magic Items:
cube of force (36 charges) full plate armor +6
girdle of titan strength shield +5 (no longer used)
helm of brilliance rope of climbing
helm of telepathy broom of flying (movement base 30)
drums of panic wand of secret door and trap location (94 ch.)
scarab of protection wand of enemy detection (95 charges)
stone of good luck wand of wonder (89 charges)
lyre of building full plate barding +5 (on war horse)
periapt of proof vs. poison +4 horseshoes of a zephyr (were on warhorse)
trident of fish command horseshoes of speed (were on warhorse)
spade of colossal excavation folding boat
book of infinite spells boots of elvenkind
horn of the Tritons cloak of elvenkind
portable hole rod of lordly might (50 charges)
eyes of the eagle scroll of resist cold
reverse eyes of petrification scroll of protection from all lycanthropes
amulet of life protection scroll of protection from magic
gauntlets of dexterity (55%/52%) scroll of protection from demons
medallion of ESP with empathy scroll of protection from devils
boots of speed rod of cancellation
cloak of protection +4 amulet of the planes
dust of disappearence (20 containers)
gauntlets of ogre power (for the hammer of thunderbolts)
amulet of proof against detection and location
necklace of missiles (1,1,2,2,2,2,2,4,4,4)
Mundane Items:
tinder box hooded lantern
7 flasks of oil (Greek fire?) 17 torches
bullseye lantern 250,000 g.p. small castle
backpack small keep
quiver for arrows helmet
24 normal arrows water skin
10 silver arrows 60 feet of rope
warship large galley
Peter Perfect's war horse
Pure Revised 2nd Edition version
Name: Fluffball
Type: great wyrm gold dracolich
Size: 162' body, 146' tail
Hit dice: 24
Hit points: 192
Intelligence: 18
Armor Class:
Natural A.C.: -14
Armor worn: full plate barding +5
A.C. if using the Arms and Equipment Guide rules supplement: -24
Note: Due to its magical nature, attacks against a dracolich do not
gain any attack or damage roll bonuses. Precisely which attack
roll and damage bonuses are negated is a matter open for debate, however.
Melee combat:
THAC0: -3
Attacks per round: 3
Damage per attack: 1-10/1-10/6-36, +2d8 chilling damage, +paralysis 2d6 rounds
Breath weapons:
cone of fire 90' long, 5' wide at the dragon's mouth, and 30' wide at the end
cloud of potent chlorine gas 50' long, 40' wide and 30' high
(both do 24d12+122 damage, save vs. breath weapon for half damage)
Fear: radius 50 yards, save at -5
Magic resistance: 70% (and caster must be 6th level or higher)
fire, gas, charm, sleep, enfeeblement, polymorph, cold (magical or natural),
electricity, hold, insanity, death spells, death symbols, being turned, poison,
paralysis, magical fear.
water breathing, speak with animals, polymorph self 3x/day, bless 3x/day,
detect lie 3x/day, animal summoning 2x/day, create good-luck gem 1x/day
(lasts 37-39 hours), quest 1x/day, detect gems 3x/day (30' radius, lasts 1 minute),
undead control 1x/3 days (60 yard range, lasts 1 turn), gaze paralyzes creatures
within 40 yards (save at +0 if less than 6 HD, +3 if 6 HD or more), detect
invisible (120' radius), clairaudience while in lair (240' range).
Spells memorizable per day:
Wizard spells: 2 2 2 2 2 2 1
Priest spells: 2 2 2 2
Psionics (Wild Talents):
- Psionic Strength Points: 3566
- Devotions:
- Clairsentience: ALL
- Psychokinesis: ALL
- Psychometabolism: ALL
- Psychoportation: ALL
- Telepathy: ALL
- Metapsionics: ALL
- Sciences:
- Clairsentience: ALL
- Psychokinesis: ALL
- Psychometabolism: ALL
- Psychoportation: ALL
- Telepathy: ALL
- Metapsionics: ALL
Movement base:
on foot: 12
fly: 40 (MC C) — 6 (MC E) if in a wingless form
jump: 3
swim: 12(15)
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pre-Unearthed Arcana version instead.
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post-Unearthed Arcana version instead.
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