Copyright © 1981 by Roger M. Wilcox. All rights reserved.
The original draft was written on my dad's mechanical typewriter, accompanied by hand-drawn illustrations — such as they were. Every image you see was scanned in from the original, although some pages suffered water damage over the years. All non-image text was transcribed in exactly the format it originally appeared. The lack of an = key on the original mechanical typewriter means all = signs were originally written in by hand. All spellings, punctuation, capitalizations, etc. are as in the original.
6. ANOTHER STAR-TRAK GAME -- Surprise, 80-micro! 10. SMALLDOS -- Howza bout a DOS for a 16K femtocomputer?! 14. DICE SIMULATOR -- 80-femto's biggest program ever printed! 16. CAPTAIN TAPEDRIVE -- The Creped Avenger strikes again! 21. DECOMPILER -- slow down thas speedy CMD program! 25. THE DUKES OF M*A*S*H -- Car chases in Korea. 29. MARS ROVER ADVENTURE -- Control a robot on the surface of the reddest desert planet known. 31. NEWS FROM POKER TABLE SOFTWARE, INC. -- by David Bush 3. 80-REMarks -- non-existing mail about our first issue. 33. REVOLT! -- Start your own Communist country. 35. BLINKY, PINKY, INKY, and CLYDE -- a fast, all-BASIC Pac Dude. COMING NEXT MONTH a full moon 1
BIG HIVE SOFTWARE by Bill Hoagie ┌──────┐ │ROBOT │ Guess what?! You know what this game does. Once │ │ │ATTACK│ again, despite the fantastic graphics knowlege └──────┘ of Hoagie and Con-you, the sound effects, with the exception of the voice synthesis, are bad enough to drive you BERSERK! ┌──────┐ │ATTACK│ This is Billy & Jeffy's first game where they got │ │ │FORCE │ the idea of speeding up the enemies as your score └──────┘ gets higher. I think they did an excellent job with the sound and graphics -- don't you? ┌────────┐ │ TANK │ Based on a vector-screen arcade game in which you │ │ │ ATTACK │ get ATTACKed by tanks and helicopters while out └────────┘ on a Sunday drive in your jeep. With bad sound! ┌────────┐ │ GOBLIN │ Here we go again with another version of Pac Dude! │ │ │ ATTACK │ This used to be the best, until we at 80-femto got └────────┘ our hands on "Blinky, Pinky, Inky, and Clyde." ┌───────┐ │HEART │ That's what you'll get from playing these games │ │ │ATTACK │ 24 hours a day for ten years! └───────┘ Big Hive Software Post 747 Honeycomb St. Van Kratner, CA 30000 1-(213)-555-BILL 2
80-REMarks Dear 80-femtocomputing, I must have gotten a bad copy of your Septober 80-Femto. Tell me, what was on the last page? Oh, just a description of Duel-M-Droids. Hey, ya wanna buy a joint? No thanks. I'm not interested in purchasing a bar or pub. I'm interested in knowing just what the big deal was over "Empire Wars!". Just what kind of program was it, anyway? Who knows. Probably someone's feeble attempt at Android Numb. Hey, man, like I just wanted to say, like those hints in "Slant," man? They're real cool. Like, they really helped me, 'cause like, my head is twisted sideways, totally. Thanx, man! You're from Southern California, right? Well, according to your Septober '84 issue, the Octember 80-femtocomputing is going to be a letter-bomb. So here I put my fond farewell to the world, as with this issue, I explode. Oh yeah? You and whose army?!? I know how to fix TRSDOS 87.4 so that it won't start think- ing with a mind of its own! Try: POKE 564893, 784. That's good advice, but will TRSDOS 87.4 allow you to do something like that? Isn't it amazing how no one has bothered with making a model V version of T-Bug?!? Probably because T-Bug went out with the purple plague. But for you TRaSh-80 buffs, here's what you need to change: M 435A 36 00. I tried it, and this doesn't do a damn thing for the program except cause it to load in RSM from the disk, which is just as well. █ 3
INSTANTANEOUS SOFTWARE DISNEY ADVENTURE: Level II 16 K (tape to disk) Model I & III BASIC with USR routines This game was made as a protest to Biff & Spudd Mutt's "Darth Dreadnought." It has been rated G by its author due to descriptions of Bambi eating grass, Cinderella riding in a carriage, and singing dwarves. This is a simple treasure hunt adventure, in which you must find a million dollars in gold eggs, the last Applegate treasure, and a few riddles leading you to a large combined hoarde. With sound effects! PRICE: $ 14.95 for adventurers, $ 15,95 for Disney freaks MOOLA ATTACK: Level I & up 16¼ K (don't you just hate us!) Model I & up machine talk In this so-called "game," your starbase is attacked by alien invaders which look suspiciously like I.R.S. auditors. Instead of accumulating points, you get from ten to five hundred bucks for each illegal alien you shoot down. Superb voice sound effects include, "Your money or your wife," "Hand it over, Joe," and "The government'll get you for this!!!" PRICE: $ 14.95 in back taxes FIREBALL FREAK: Level IIIIIIII 25 bytes (tape or disk) Model IIIIIIII COBALT language This program does nothing more than turn your computer in- stantaneously and irrevocably into a fireball, which lasts only instantaneously. Now you know why we're called, "Instantaneous Software!" With sound effects! PRICE: about two bucks. This advertizement continued next paige?!? 4
Instantaneous Software GOON CRESTA: Level II 16 K (amazingly enough) Model I & III machine lingo again Didn't think we'd market a program like this one,did you? Well, with the requirements for this program, it's right up our freeway. It requires either a Grafix-80 or ERAM high-res attachment in addition to the Crayon-kit color modification. We would normally sell the color-80 version of this program, but that version requires no additional hardware. And that's just not our style. By the way, this program would have taken up 48 K of RAM had it not been for the sub-machine scrunching techniques first pioneered in Tiny Adventure. With sound ef- fects, of course. PRICE: the usual $ 14.95 for tape, $ 19.95 for disk ------------ We have a whole 500-page catalog just loaded with other pro- grams (most of them much more boring than these). If you are interested in looking at it, write to us, and we'll send you back a note saying, "Curiosity kills the cat." Instantaneous Software a division of Instantaneous Coffee 1974 Memory lane San Nicholas, ZX 98765 (don't call us - we're purposefully unlisted!) 5
ANOTHER STAR-TRAK GAME After playing an early Simutek version of Star-Trek, the idea came into my head to write my own version of Star-Trek. After studying the programming technique used by Good ol' Simutek inc., I pirated most of them, and then implimented a few new ideas of my own. The result was a very fast, all-BASIC version of Star-Trek, which I appropriately named after the title on this very page. Unlike my previous non-adventure program, Empire Wars!, this program was actually good! Now then, since numerous other Star- Trek games were already on the market, I figured I might as well forget about sending it in to the big software companies, but what about a publication like 80-microcomputing?... And would you believe it, they turned it down! I gave them probably the best non-adventure program I've ever written, and all they said was, "We feel it is an area that has been ad- equately covered." The Dummies! Well, now, of course, any TRaSh-80 owner worth his weight in manure knows the meaning of the words, "Another Star-Trak Game." I am proud to be the author of the biggest selling space war game since, "STARFIGHTER." So, pooey on youey, 80-microcomputing! You had your chance, but Bad-Lode software took it away from you!!! █ 6
THE PROGRAM STOAR TOTALLY, FOR SURE: Level headed dude it's oh-K (slipped disk) Model construction surfer's language Like wow, man! Cowadunga! Now you can simulate living in world-infamous Southern California, even if you live in some far-off place like Watts or Bakersfield. Comes complete with seven disks (all of which must be loaded in at once) and a one- word sheet of documentation containing the password. If the correct password is not entered, all seven disks will be crashed (we've got this thing down better than Space Vaiders!). If the correct password is entered, each disk will dump its own 1200 K of data into the TRaSh-80's memory in just one and one-half short hours. Simulate living in the land of earth- quakes down to every detail, including surfing, skateboarding, getting mugged in a dark alley, choking on smog, and getting mauled by "punkers." No adventure or CFS parsers to worry about here -- you're really in southern California! With smell effects! PRICE: either 3 hits of acid or an ounce of grass GIANT ADVENTURE: (oh, screw the parameters!) Once upon a time, a dude tried to put a "Zork" parser onto original Adventure. The results were impressive, but why stop there? He soon worked in the original Zork, all of Scott Adam's adventures (numbers 1 thru 18), all of Greg Hassock's advents, all the adventures from The Programmer's Guilt and Bad-Lode, every other adventure known to exist, and then added some little things of his own. The resulting program took up almost all of the available infinity K of RAM, but was none the less fantastic. PRICE: almost infinity bucks this advertizement continued next Paige?!? 7
The Program Stoar COMPUTER SIMULATOR: any Level No K (tape, disk, etc.) any Model SYSTEM format The idea for this program came when someone just learning to use T-Bug decided to write to tape a block of memory zero bytes in length (P 4A00 49FF 0000 ZIPPO). The resulting tape contained the following: a 255-byte leader consisting of zeroes, the synchronization code (A5H), the file name header code (55H), the file name (ZIPPO) padded with trailing blanks (20H), the entry point header code (whatever), and the entry point (00H). The resulting program caused an immediate jump to "MEMORY SIZE?" (MEM SIZE, Cass, etc.). This would normally be cause for saying, "Unh," but our wild and witty programmer would not be Unhed so easily. He reapeated the same process, only this time using the file name, "SIMULA," for Simulator. The program itself wasn't too inovative, but the idea was, so he sent this program up to us under the name, "Computer Simulator." And he also sent up our advertizement: "Now, you too can pretend that you own a TRaSh-80 femtocomputer! This new program will simulate the operation of your very computer down to the last minute detail! With optional sound!" PRICE: tape 3¢, disk 4¢, stringy floppy 3½¢ The program stoar wishes to thank absolutely no one for making their profits possible this advertizement continued next Paige?!? 8
The Program Stoar UP YOUR ASCII: no parameters whatsoever Tired of the same old boring, routine ASCII computer code? Then you may or may not need "Up Your ASCII!" With this handy, dandy little gem of a program, you can convert that (yicch!) ASCII display of yours into IBM's brilliant, resonant EBCDIC characters! How would you like to PRINT CHR$(34), and get the number "7"?!? Sounds real neat, huh? This program requires no additional hardware, since it was hard enough to make in the first place. However, EBCDIC compatibility is one thing - IBM compatibility is another. So, get "Up Your ASCII," and say good-bye to the real world and your graphics forever. PRICE: $ 22.95 from us, $ 4.95 from a garage sale ------------ Our entire stock of other programs is not only sold out, but never really existed. Sorry to you fans of Larry and Scott! So why don't you dudes drown your sorrows and get "Totally, for Sure" or "Giant Adventure" or "Computer Simulation" or "Up Your ASCII" or something? The Program Stoar a division of The Program Stoar, Inc. P.O. Box -41 New York, MN 987612345 call (198)-PRO-GRAM 9
SMALLDOS So, you finally went out and got yourself a desk drive. Well, that's just great - except for the fact that due to the new move from the Nationalist World Government, the sale of memory expansion kits has been outlawed! Now your computer is stuck with a disk system that runs on 16 K of memory. Now then, how are you going to do anything with a pip-squeak memory allocation that takes up 8 K for things like DOS and CMD space? The answer is simple: get yourself a smaller version of DOS! But where can you find a DOS that takes up such little memory? Another simple answer : get SmallDOS! The creators of this tiny Desk Operating System were also the same people who made up "Crunch, Scrunch, and Concentrate," their own private little program that resulted in Tiny Adventure and other such excur- sions. SmallDOS, their shrunked version of DOS minus, is their laterst outburst, which I'm sure they were able to make with only a few keystroke commands. Why those guys don't want to market Crunch, Scrunch, and Con- centrate is beyond me, though I'll bet they just want to bleed everyone dry by selling the programs individually. Anywho, Small- DOS does have quite a range of capabilities. Not the least of these abilities (that are caped) is Unbug. This little program is quite similar to Debug, except that it was made in an attempt to combine the DEBUG command in DOS minus with the actual "Debug" program. The attempt resulted in the discovery of an entirely new Z-80 block command: JPIR. The authors liked this block-jump command so much that they equip- 10
SmallDOS ped Unbug to do nothing but change regular machine language commands to JPIR, whose code, by the way, is ED FQ hexadecimal. Another useful feature of SmallDOS is "Crunch," which will do the first step of "Crunch, Scrunch, and Concentrate." The purpose of "Crunch" is simply to put the program into a special code designed specifically for the purpose of that particular program. However, without the right means of reading this code, the Z-80 CPU will only get confused and tend to lock up and/or reboot. Evidently the clarity of the code is established by "Scrunch and Concentrate," or at least one of the two. Still another useful utility included with smallDOS is the single command "Memory." This command will tell the user if the TRaSh-80 has 16, 32, or 48 K of RAM, which the user is probably already aware of and doesn't need to be informed about. At first, the creators of SmallDOS were going to omit this command, but at last they decided to keep it in, along with the command "Device," which is just as useless. The DEF command has been upgraded to being able to actually DEFine commands as functions. This is very useful for doing machine language LPRINT routines, since all it does is relocate the jump vectors for the command specified. This new DEF com- mand works on every BASIC command in just the same way, except for the command END. When I tried DEF END, I got a game pro- gram in which you have to blast away at landers while saving ten little humanoids. There are lots of these useful little commands, such as ORDER, which causes the computer to respond with either, "Big Mac or Medium Mac," or, "Yes sir, sir!!!". But powerful (and/ or powerless) commands are not the only advantages to the new 11
SmallDOS SmallDOS besides its size.... Figure one shows an operating version of SmallDOS running on all TRaSh-80's modelled I through VI. As you can't see, SmallDOS has compatibility with all Z-80 based systems (actually, there are separate versions for model I & III and model II & IV, but who really cares anyway. Although the model V and VI ver- sions were actually faked and don't really exist, the model II & IV version is 100% compatible with the TRaSh-80 Kuller Kumpewter.) The single most awesome feature of SmallDOS is the included program "Chipglop." This little gem of a program does exactly what its name suggests: it will take any chip inside the user's TRaSh-80 and turn it into glop. For a moment, I thought they were joking; such commands only work in TRSDOS 87.4. But by watching the computer carefully, I found out exactly how this command program works: since machine (or in this case, sub-machine) language works faster than the eye can follow, SmallDOS simply orders out for guacamole,and while it's waiting out the few milliseconds, it calls in a TRaSh-80 repair man to rip out the chip you wanted to glop so badly. This is one hell of a buff DOS. If anyone disagrees with me, I can be certain they won't be around for long. █ ┌───────────────────────┐ │ │ "Crunch, scrunch, and │ │ Concentrate uses the same │ │ methods that people use │ │ to print a whole novel on │ │ their license plate" │ │ – Scott Adama │ │ │ │ └───────────────────────┘ Figure 1. Over-exposed 12
BAD LODE SOFTWARE One more plug forSpace Warrior -- a "City and the Stars" type Adventure Space-N-Vaders -- call me in about a year Another Star-Trak Game -- new and improved - I hope! Interception -- wow! It even saves the high score! -------------- All of these games do exist! I swear! Cross my CPU and hope to crash! However, no big-time dummies have ever bothered to marcket these here games. I have at least 20 different games in stock, all made by me, Roger M. Wilcox. So, if you want to get your paws on them, call me at (213)-828-8830 any time between 1 pm and 1:05 pm. Bad-Lode Software 1102 23rd st. Santa Monica, CA 90403 13
DICE SIMULATOR I'll tell you right now, I just finished reading the Level I instruction manual, and am I excited about this program here, a real random doozie? Of course I am! Once, I lost one of the dice out of acrap gamemonopoly set, and needed a replacement. Rushing back to my Level I manual, I found just what I had been looking for: a random number generator! I quickly typed in this program, and saved it to tape for later use. I soon found it so versatile that I felt everyone should know about it. This little 22 byte program can be of use to almost anybody. Imagine, the power of a die in the portability of a massive TRaSh-80! I hope you like it. █ ┌───────────────┐ │ 10 X = RND(6) │ │ │ │ 20 PRINT X │ └───────────────┘ -- The writer of this article was put in a mental institute just six short hours after we got this article. We don't know how or why he was put there. And if you believe that, I have some snake oil to sell you! 14
AVENGER IRRATIONAL AVENGER # 16: the usual This is Scott Adama's latest excursion, Mongoose Adventure. It involves the least liked part of Avenger # 2 along with the stupid commands involved in Avenger # 11 about manipulating your body. Actually, the Avenger wouldn't be so bad if it had a solid plot, but instead, you are a mongoose/squirrel who has to hold his breath and open his eyes. With sound effects! PRICE: the usual SMALLDOS: all levels one byte (disk of course) all models sub-machine language Remember the review a few pages back? Well, here it isn't! The one DOS that reminds you of both Upchuck-DOS and Tiny Ad- venture! In case you're wondering why we can sell disks and tapes so cheap, like say, for 25 or 30 cents with a program on it, you haven't been keeping up with your current events. Disks and tapes can now be mined straight out of the asteroid belt; do you know how great it feels to stick your shovel into the ground and pull out a C-30 cassette?!? Anyway, since this has nothing to do with either SmallDOS or Avenger Irrational, I'll continue my stream of gibberish. SmallDOS is real good. I mean real good. And me and my boys don't want nobody thinkin' it's not good. And my boys thinks that not buyin' it means you don't like it. Get the message, fat boy? (great shake-down, huh?) PRICE: an offer youse can't refuse Avenger Irrational The alley behind Rocky's pizza, No Man's Land, NE 70403 (ask for "Scott") 15
THE ADVENTURES OF CAPTAIN TAPEDRIVE No, this is not an article about an Adventure game, although that doesn't sound like too bad of an idea. We are going to look into the exploits of the hardly known super hero, Captain Tapedrive, also known as the "Creped Avenger." Whoever we are, we're not quite certain.... Captain Tapedrive was born at about the time the first TRaSh 80 was sold. As he grew up through childhood, he realized that he wasn't like all the other commands and programs that were his friends - he was a piece of hardware! Realizing the potential of something like this, he decided to devote the rest of his entire life to the protection of goodness and niceness. And so, when all the other users around him had their tape drives break down, Captain Tapedrive remained standing. The first threat to the sanctity Captain Tapedrive had pro- tected was a little piece of hardware called, "Level II ROM." He was reluctant about his user installing this new chip into the TRaSh-80 at first, but after a while he got used to it. In fact, this new chip was an improvement over his old system of operating; it made him save programs at 500 baud, thus doubling Captain Tapedrive's power. And yet, there were some things about this new ROM that frightened him. There was the old friendly group of CLOAD, CSAVE, PRINT #, INPUT #, and even the newly acquired SYSTEM; but then there were these sinister-looking commands such as LOAD, SAVE, OPEN, CLOSE, and CMD. However, these commands seemed to be safe, dormant nothings, since the fixed-RAM jump co-ordinates for them simply led to ?L3 ERROR, whatever that meant. Then suddenly, about half a year later, his user came in 16
The Adventures of Captain Tapedrive with a gigantic, ominous piece of hardware. Its name was a long one: "Expansion Interface," which sounds like someone just grabbed your face and s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-d it out. It had no mov- ing parts except for a couple of on-board relays, but still it was more than twice the size of Captain T.D.. 'Interface?' the Creped avenger thought. 'I've heard that word somewhere before.... Oh, yes! Now I remember. That's what you call a device that's hooked up with a computer which will allow you to communicate with outside hardware.' 'HARDWARE?!?!?' The very word made him gasp. Why for all he knew, the next alien piece of hardware (gasp) that would in- vade this perfectly balanced system could be a (shudder) ... DISK DRIVE! If that were true, then his little friends CLOAD and CSAVE he had known and loved would surely die. A few days later, his fears were realized. As his user came in from getting the mail, he held a large parcel under one arm marked, "Ha, Captain T! This is a Disk Drive!" How about that. A bullet with his name on it. He set the package down on the table and watched the disk drive slowly hatch its way out. Its feathers were wet at first, but it quickly dried out in about a minute. The Creped Avenger was awe-struck at this spectacle. How come he had to be unwrap- ped when he first arrived? The new hardware makers had struck again.... In the distance of another room, the front doorbell rang. This was the chance C.T. had been waiting for. As soon as his user was well out of the room, the Creped Avenger lept high in the air and landed on his benevolent prey. 17
The Adventures of Captain Tapedrive He took out his trusty AC adaptor and attempted to lasso his high-speed enemy. But the Disk Drive would not be taken in so easily; with a blast from his high-speed rotor, he knocked the cord clean away. Now Captain Tapedrive was angry. He lept up much closer, and began to do battle with his cord, handle, hatch, and six buttons, all at point-blank range. The Disk Drive tried des- perately to counter each attack with what little he had (cord, data bus, latch, and rotor, and would have been done-for if not for his own high speed. Captain Tapedrive moved in for the kill as he pressed "Fast- Forward." Just then, his user, hearing the clash of plastic, rushed back into the room. Sitting there on the table, as in- nocent as two pieces of hardware, were the two pieces of hard- ware. A bit banged up, but who'd notice. 'That's strange,' thought the user. 'I put only the Disk Drive on that table. Well, I guess that gave the both of them a little time to get acquainted.' If he only knew. He picked the two of them up, and brought them to the com- puter's side. Captain Tapedrive knew what that disk system would do to CLOAD and CSAVE, but all he could do now was turn to it and say, "Someday, I'm gonna crash you!" As the days crept by, the user became more and more acquain- ted with the disk system and the DOS, and began to neglect the CLOAD command and Captain Tapedrive more and more. The Creped avenger could almost read the exact thoughts of the Disk Drive: "Now, little CLOAD command, you will DIE!!!" Captain Tapedrive had to destroy the evil disk system before Level II BASIC ROM was suddenly converted into EPROM and perman- 18
The Adventures of Captain Tapedrive ently erased. He waited until the last second to implement his newly-conceived plan of destruction. Then suddenly, his user began to do a sector-by-sector search of his most loaded disk, crammed with important arcade games of which there were no back- up copies. This was the chance C.T. had been waiting for. He began to send out binary thought waves to the disk, a technique which he had never been able to do before. The thought waves said only one thing: "FASTER!!!" And so, faster and faster went the disk drive, mounting in speed and in rotor pitch. Smoke began to pour out from the air vents in back of the disk. Its user pushed reset; that did nothing. He turned the system off; still, nothing. He reached down to the outlet and pulled the plug from the disk drive in panic... But by then, it was already too late. The disk had melted, the drive's rotor had seized up, and finally, the drive itself short-circuited. "You lousy drives are all alike!" the user shouted. "I'm getting rid of you once and for all!!" He ripped the drive right off of its data bus, and kicked it across the room, out an open window, and into a pile of a dog's masterpiece. -------- Captain Tapedrive sat lazily around, loading in a program at over 4,000 baud with the use of his fast-forward key. Sud- denly, he picked up a signal with his audio sensors. Could it be? Yes, it was! His user was talking to someone on the phone about a hookup with a stringy floppy!... █ 19
ARPHA PRODUCTS Now! Fromthe company that pirated Acari's Joysticks, we bring you: TRACK BALL: great for rolling around on footprints or train rails. PURPLE SCREEN: is green too boring for ya? BLACK SCREEN: to hell with that CRT display! SC-78503: a real Starfighter with real hypercharge to combat real Exxonerators and Kluster Chucks. BUBBLE SORT ROM: sort out your bubbles just by turning on your little femtocomputer! -------------- Although the SC-78503 isn't exactly a piece of hardware, we're selling it anyway for the low, low cost of just 200 thousand bank balance Sovereigns. Everything else is priced in normal, boring U.S. dollars. To get a listing of the pri- ces, you'll have to order a joystick. So, send $39.95 to: I Wanna Have A Joystick P.O.d box INKANGAROO-408 Hollyweird, VD 84307 (213)-555-ARPH 20
DECOMPILER So, you've just bought your new TRaSh-80. You don't need to worry too much about programming the thing; you've programmed computers in BASIC before. Hey, this is a pretty neat arcade game program here; you want to know how it works. Wait a minute! It's in machine language! You barely even know what assembly language looks like; you've never had any training in Z-80 assembly. That little disassembler is absolutely no help at all! Does this incident sound familiar to you? Maybe a few years ago, yes! But nowadays nobody really gives a frac about whether they can read assembly language or not; they either know the assembler or just play the games. However, there are a dauntless few BASICusers who would like to know how a particular machine language program works, but are too stupid to read the Assembly language book. And for them, we have the "Decompiler." As its name suggests, "DCMPIL" takes a machine language program and converts it not into Assembly, but actual BASIC! Thus, this brilliant program changes the code 3E FF not into "LD A,255" but into "A = 255." As you might guess, this is grossly inefficient, especially when loading a two-byte reg- ister pair. Fortunately, the program is smart enough to know which ROM calls do what; for instance, CALL 33H is PRINT CHR$(A), and CALL 2BH is A = ASC(INKEY$). The LDIR command, which is usually a bear, is simply FOR BC = BC TO 0 STEP -1 : POKE DE, PEEK (HL): DE = DE+1 : HL = HL+1 : NEXT. This looks just great at first, but when you start thinking about the fact that HL has to split up into the registers H and L, you can start to see the problems. Each decompiled program begins with the statement DEFINT A-Z. 21
Decompiler Most of you readers out there might just say, "So what?" to this, but us real programmers know exactly what's wrong with the DEFINT statement. And if you can't tell, then you're ob- viously not a real programmer and have no right to be reading this article. (Had you worried, didn't I?!?) Remember what William Barden, Jr. said in his book, "TRaSh- 80 Assembly Language Programming?" He said, "Assembly language will enable you to run a program in 4K that requires 24K in BASIC." Well, the modern compilers are the obvious exception to this rule; in fact, they almost have the memory usages switched around between Assembly and BASIC. Ater all, what can you say when a program that says "10 PRINT 20 END" takes all of 300 bytes compiled? Anywho, back to the subject at hand, you'd probably think that the Decompiler would double or triple the memory usage upon converting a program to BASIC. Well, this just isn't the case; and that's the one true virtue of this program. A 14K machine language program will fit into 10K once decompiled! So it seems that the compile/decompiple works out perfectly and just like you'd expect it to - in reverse. What's really fun to do with this program is to decompile ROM and RUN the program. The result of this should be the usual message, "MAMMARY SIZE?" at the top of the screen, and the ab- ility to run your own programs in a "BASIC on top of BASIC." However, this is not the result; all too frequently, the ROM decompiled will POKE into a forbidden memory location and cause the computer to freeze up beyond recovery, even by the reset button. Sometimes, even turning it off doesn't fix it, in which case, you probably have a bad memory chip or CPU. And this is not only the fate of a decompiled ROM; about half 22
Decompiler of all the programs I've decompiled end up locking up all too soon in the RUNning. But then there are those that don't lock up.... The BASIC program is slow, inaccurate, and hardly ever the same program as the original. In other words, I love it! I tried playing my decompiled copy of "Offender," and I had all too much time to decide on my next move. Sure, it had disadvantages. But so what? I can't compose The Messiah on my copy of Space-N-Vaders, I can't cause my MDOS to fetch the morning paper, and I can't RUN a program with DCMPIL. So who gives a farp? It's all the same, and it doesn't make a draged bit of difference. █23
BILL'S OFFENDER: Level Headed Don't wory, it's OK Model T machine lagsam of course Below you, fifteen men stand on their heads because of your stench. (Actually, because of the TRaSh-80's "#$%&in' graphics, we had to represent them with a "!") You can move, fire, hyperactivespace, go back on your word, and even fire your weapon of weapons - the Stink Bomb, which destroys ev- erything on the screen with you (sometimes including yourself!) Six kinds of enemy ships, all with perfumed bodies, try to desperately remove your stench. Sometimes, they fire floral torpedoes, sometimes they mutate into Avon ladies, and some- times, they even break up into six Honeybees, which all try to swarm you. Ah, but with a blast from your armpit laser cannon, you wipe them all out. But what's this? Your last "!" has been taken away by another "(A)"....Oh, no! Now you're going to be "spaced-out" once the panet finishes exploding (uninhab- ited planets do those sorts of things, you know.)! Will you make it to the fifth Cleanliness Wave, or will you smell clean forever more? PRICE: TAG. You give us the bucks, and we deliver.... Bill's Joint Not the same as "Williams" 1020 cutthroat row, Harlem, NY 76543 (ask for a "green guitar") 24
THE DUKES OF M*A*S*H I'll bet you were expecting a little parody/adventure story, right? Well, you're wrong! It has no Adventure in it whatsoever. This is actually a program put out by Aant Eater Software, in which you have to overcome three dummy characters (Hawkeye, Beau, and Roscoe) who know how to say only one like apiece. Your character can be any other character out of either of these two shows. You'll have the most power if you choose Boss Logg, but then again, you'll also be the slowest. Now, then, here's what you've all not been waiting for: a simulation of the actual game!... (Theme music comes on, a collage between "Just a Good Ol' Boys", and "Suicide is Painless") B.J.: Hey, Hawk! How ya doin'? HAWKEYE: What are you, crazy? Don't you know there are people dying out there?!? BEEJ: Yeah, I know, Hawk. That's all you've ever told me! TRAPPER: Yeah, and me too! BEEJ: Hey! You're not supposed to be on the same shows with me! TRAP: I wish you could say the same for little Microwave... MICROWAVE: What did you say sirs that you just said? BEEJ: Nevermind, just get the orders of the say from the head doctor for the patients. MICRO: Okay. Hawkeye Pierce, sir? HAWKEYE: What are you, crazy? Don't you know there are people dying out there?!? MICRO: Okay, got it! I'm sure that'll cheer the patients up. BEEJ: Knowing that people are dying is gonna cheer them up? MICRO: No, knowing that Hawkeye hasn't regained his sanity will, though. --Oh no, choppers! 25
The Dukes of M*A*S*H KERNEL POTHEAD: What choppers? I don't hear anything! BEEJ: ...I don't think it's choppers, Kernel —— look! POTHEAD: Great Horny Toads! A commie car! BEEJ: A what? POTHEAD: Well, it's red, isn't it? BEEJ: No, no, it's orange! You're getting to be like Frank. FRANK: AAAAAAAH! Commies! Commies! MICRO: What do you think they'll say to us, your kernelship? POTHEAD: I think they'll say —— BEAU: EEEEEEE-HAAA! BEEJ: Funny, that's what I thought they'd say, too. (The car screeches to a halt seven inches in front of the motley crew, and a black-haired country boy climbs out a window.) DUKE: Hi! I'm Duke, and this is my brother, Beau. BEAU: EEEEEEE-HAAA! BEEJ: Does he know how to say anything else? DUKE: Yeah; sometimes he preceeds that mess with, "Let's do it!" HAWK: What are you, crazy? Don't you know there are people dying out there?!? DUKE: What's his problem? BEEJ: Monomania. He's crazy about mononucleosis. POTHEAD: Look, you hootinannies, this here is a M*A*S*H unit, so why don't you just skeedaddle, pronto. DUKE: Well, whadayaknow! He speaks our language! BEEJ: Oh yeah? Well, where are you from? DUKE: Hazardous Country. BEEJ: Well, then, what are you doing in Korea? DUKE: KOREA!?! I knew we should've taken a left at the Alps! (Suddenly, a police car drives up and does a 90-degree skid- stop just four inches in front of Microwave) MICRO: AAAH! Help, your Kerneldom! KERNEL P: Say what, boy? I ain't goin' near that thing! 26
The Dukes of M*A*S*H (The door opens, and a rather dumb-looking sherriff comes out) ROSCOE: Freeze! POTHEAD: Who is that? DUKE: Don't worry. That's just Sherriff Roscoe M. Coalmine. BEEJ: Is that so?!? Well, what are you doing here, Roscoe? ROSCOE: Freeze! BEEJ: What are you talking about? It's summer time! MICRO: ...Oh oh, choppers! BEEJ: Not quite...We're under attack! FRANK: AAAAAAAH! Commies! Commies! BEEJ: Funny, I didn't know Frank was a monomaniac, too. POTHEAD: Wait a minute! Those aren't Communists! BEEJ (With a look of "Oh, my God!" on his face): Oh, my God! It's a flying saucer!! POTTER: Not quite; it's a flying disk.... HAWK: What are you, crazy? Don't you know —— BEEJ: There are people dying out there! I know! I know! Haven't you figured out what's happening yet?!? ALL: WE'RE UNDER ATTACK BY TRSDOS 87.4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! --------- Well, so sue me! This is a computing magazine, and that was the only computerish ending I could think up! 27
TRaSh-80 HARDWEAR MODEL VII TRaSh-80 Our plagiary advertizement last month really worked! Some Goon-head sent in a completely assembled home-made femtocom- puter, we took it from him, and now we have the Model VII! Although it uses the improved Z-81 Femtoprocessing chip, it is neither upward nor downward compatible with any model I through VI. This is because the Z-81 chip uses an assembly language which is totally alien to the Z-80, and which is almost as totally alien to assembly language itself. At first, the machine code-translation might look like Pascal, but you'll soon find that it isn't. We call the lan- guage, "Pythagoras," but you can call it anything that's at a right-angle with this name. PRICE: one trisection of an angle with just a compass and straightedge. INVADERS IN ROM Now, you too can program your femtocomputer in world-famous "Invader" programming language. This is the language that all those arcade games use that's been kept a secret for so many years. And you don't even have to load it in from disk! Just turn it on, and you'll see the message, "SHIP SIZE?" PRICE: the same as that of a Space Invaders machine The TRaSh-80 Company 5746 Sunset Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90028 Dial 1-(800)-555-DUMB 28
MARS ROVER ADVENTURE A Mars rover is not a dog from the planet Mars, you dip! It's a robot tracker that is used to relay information back to good ol' Earth. They sent the first and last one up in 1982, but since it was self-controlled, no one really got a chance to "play" with it. And so, hearing the anguished cries of the Martian millions, Pinecone software developed an Adventure game that simulates down to the last detail every action and encounter of the Mars Rover. Actually, the term "Adventure" shouldn't really apply, since the only obstacles the Rover has to overcome are big rocks and deep canyons. Pinecone software was determined not so much to make the game fun as to make the game realistic. Pre-programmed onto the disk or tape it comes with is a detailed map of the entire surface of Mars, in machine-readable code, of course. By now you're probably wondering how the program could load in the Rover's map location each turn from tape, so I'll tell ya.: the response time from each user-input is fixed at ten minutes! This is not a case of bad programming; according to Pinecone Software: "It takes five minutes for the radio signal to reach Mars, and five minutes for the response to come back. Hence, the ten-minute delay." There isn't much you can really say about this program, ex- cept that it's accurate. I'm really surprised that Pinecone would market something like this, and not tell the author that it should be submitted as an article. So, as a compensation, I have printed up the first two lines of the program: █ ┌───────────────────────────────┐ │ 4A00: CDC901 CALL 01C9H │ │ │ │ 4A03: 3E30 LD A,30H │ └───────────────────────────────┘ 29
PINECONE SOFTWARE MARS ROVER ADVENTURE: Level II 5642 K (tape or disk) Models I, III, & V In the Cosmos, there are BILLIONS and BILLIONS of stars. And around one of these stars stands a lonely desert planet, whose only inhabitant is a robotic rover from another planet, closer to its star and inhabited by intelligent life. Do you want to control this robotic "Mars Rover?" Well, it is very intelligent; smart enough, in fact, to understand English sentences. Oh, sure, it takes ten minutes to respond from your command, but who the ---- cares? PRICE: Just get a subscription to "Pinecone Monthly". BASIC-ON-BASIC: Level II 32 K (tape or disk) Model I thru V BASIC The De-compiler comes through again! This fully debugged BASIC version of BASIC will have your programs running slower than ever! Our other big program this month, "Mars Rover Ad- venture," is designed with this exact concept, written itself in its own built in version of BASIC on top of BASIC. Try getting both programs, and watch the delays run on into hours! PRICE: Less than "Mars Rover Adventure" since it is already a part of that program in case you didn't know, you twit. Pinecone Software 1234 Any Street No Man's Land, OH (AKA Toledo) 555-OAKS 30
NEWS FROM POKER TABKE SOFTWARE, INC. As you are already aware, unless you were living on the moon for the last four years, PTI is the leading distributor of im- aginary software, such as the TMS-8F, AlbatrossDOS 1.1, and FISHNet, not that FISHNet or the TMS-8F are software or any- thing like that. The anonymous leader of PTI, Scott Nolan Adama, has been raking in the money from the sale of zap pro- grams that fix any one of the 2,000 intentional errors in Al- batrossDOS 1.1, which has been pirated at a slower-than-average rate. Okay, now that I've plagiarized everything you know from 80-Microcomputing, I can get down to beezwax. Scot has recent- ly announced the release of his "Oh, man!" program package, which is a collection of a bunch of different programs, all written by the same author, centered around the same subject, and different only in title. The programs are: MAGMA MAN: fight off creatures in a labyrinth with magma MINE MAN: fight off creatures in a labyrinth with iron ore MAZED MAN: fight off creatures in a labyrinth with little shots that come from your arms MOON MAN: play Goon Cresta, Lunar Lander, and Lunar Life- saver. PACK MAN: Go on a backpacking trip to mount Sidney All of these programs display the simple message, "Ha! You got ripped off!" at the beginning of the program, then lock up. I guess Freud was right: it's the simple things that count! █ 31
THE REAL-TIME CLOCK COMPANY The real-time clock company, the company that brought you so much pain and grief trying to use that internal time clock as a stopwatch, announces its most accurate timekeeper ever: "THE SWISS MOVEMENT I" This little gem of a clock fits within half the space of the TRaSh-80's old real-time clock, and is more accurate than ever before. This is mostly because it's actually two differ- ent clock components crammed into the same space, creating the world-famous Swiss Movement combination of the present. It combines the new, modern quartz vibrator system for digial accuracy, along with the old 21-jewel spring-and-gear combina- tion for analog accuracy. The resulting clock can be put either in the TRaSh-80's expansion interface, or worn around the users wrist if he or she works at a zoo or train station. The resulting swiss movement combination is so powerful that if the timekeeper chip is shielded from a light source, it will cause a nearby intelligent person to unknowingly insult the person next to him. The price...well, send for our catalog or call us. Along with quartz-movement clocks, we also make limestone, basalt, and sludge movement. The Real-Time Clock Company "We guarantee our clocks will be right at least twice a day" 12:15 Time Square Watch Out, NE 10017 call "Time" for our number 32
REVOLT! Way back in 1917, a little country called, "Russia" decided to have its own internal Marxist revolution. The Red army de- feated the White army, and the country soon became communist. Today, a communist revolution is happening almost every week. Communism seems to be an international fad that is sewwp- ing the entire globe (The world, of course - not the little globe in your history class). And so, because of this, a small company called, "Roosky Software" devised a clever program that will allow its user to start a communist revolution right in his own home. The program, called (guess what?) "Revolt," is a 16-K BASIC program that sells for $29.95. The reason for this high price, according to Roosky Software, is that "Since the useless laws against program piracy have been repealed, we might as well make some sort of profit off of the few original copies we sell." The program starts off with a password-like system, which instead says, "MAKE A SPEACH? _". The user then enters the 3 word "speach" (sic) which the program's author has insisted remain undevulged in this article. So, after typing in "MARX WAS RIGHT!" the program begins. You start out with x number of soldiers, y number of weapons, and z number of supplies. If anyone can decipher these numbers, please tell me what they mean. After all, I'm interested in finding out how the game works myself! Actually, there's probably some code the x, y, and z are in which is explained in the documentation. However, mine is a pirated copy I took from a TRaSh-80 store, and I didn't think I'd need to bother with documentation. One final comment on this program: huh? █ 33
ROOSKY SOFTWARE Isn't it amazing that this advertizement comes right out after an article about one of our products?! Actually, this was the editors idea. He said, "Oh yeah, now I remember! They want to put in an ad!" right after he put in the article and read it over. By the way, "Revolt!" sells for only $29.95 (Moscow residents add 0% sales tax). We have over thirty thousand programs in stock, including eighteen versions of, "Vertical line," a nice little program that comes straight out of the Level I manual. So send for your Cadillog today! ----------- Coming soon from Bad-Lode Software: Goon Cresta for model I Followers' Adventure Another Another Star-Trak Game Remember: "You might not get a bad load from Bad-Lode...." ----------- The Programmer's Guilt Proudly Renounces "The Vial of Doom" The greatest Adventure ever written... 34
BLINKY, PINKY, INKY, AND CLYDE A long time ago, in a land far, far away, a company named, "Bally" decided to get into the video game scene, and created their "Midway" division. This soon came out with "Space In- vaders" and later, "Galaxian," a game which set the style for arcade games to come. In Galaxian, your rank was represented symbolically by lit- tle flags in the lower right-hand corner. This was a good idea, and they wanted to impliment it in another game. But what game could they do? Then, they remembered an old game of theirs called "Dodgem" (AKA "Crash"). Why not make a more sophisticated version of that? Let's see...four enemies instead of one...a complex maze in which you do more than just change lanes...they drop pieces of fruit instead of "X"es...and to top it off, you can eat them, some of the time. The result almost everyone is familiar with: Pac Dude. (In case you're interested, Midway is a Japanese company, and "Pac" is Japanese for "Eat.") For a few years, the only good TRaSh- 80 version of this game was "Scarf Dude" by the Cornhard dudes. Then game "Goblin Attack" by Big Hive. So then, I thought to myself, "Hey, BASIC isn't as slow as some people think! Why don't I prove that to everyone!" And so I did. I wrote "Blinky, Pinky, Inky, and Clyde," which is so close to Pac Dude that even the sounds are the same, which is amazing since the program uses no USR or LPRINT routines. The game's in high-resolution color, and does this perfectly even without a high-res board or a crayon-kit color mod. Yes, it fit's in 16 K, and yes, it's listed on the next pages. And by the way, to telexineses objects by thought, you 35